If you didn't know how old you were, how old would you think you were?A magazine article I read yesterday referenced a birthday greeting card posing just that question.
It made me think about how I sometimes let myself get too wrapped up in numbers, in comparisons, in expectations.
If I didn't know how old I was, how old would I think I was?
If I didn't know how much I weighed, would I be happier with my body?
If I didn't compare my looks to others, how pretty would I think I was?
If I didn't wonder what others believed in, would I find more comfort in my faith?
If I didn't think about past mistakes, would I takes more chances?
If I didn't think about what I might lose, would I enjoy more what I have?
There are probably 100 questions I could put down and ponder. I guess the most important thing is that the saying on that card made me realize how important it is to relax and enjoy life as it is.
There's no yesterday where I can retrace my steps. There's no tomorrow where I know my footing is sure. There is only today and the step in front of me. I can do a little tweaking, but in the end I'm just me. I'm a good person. Most days I feel like a young 44 and I'm not in bad shape. I get a little satisfaction in that I can still turn a head from time to time. I believe in God's love and grace. I truly adore my family near and far. I'm living a wonderful life. I am blessed.
For some reason I all of the sudden I feel a little more alive and a little more ready to take the next step.
If I didn't know that I could fail, what would I dare to dream?