Saturday, January 3, 2009

Shelf Life

The other day I poured milk over my morning cereal and banana. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I took the first bite. Ooooooh! Sour! I do not have the best sense of smell, or I might have caught it before that nasty taste. The cereal went in the basket and it was dry cereal for that morning.

I do watch shelf life when I buy something, or if it's in my refrigerator and I have not touched it for awhile. I'd just gotten back from a 5 day vacation and had assumed it would still be ok. I very was wrong.

Shelf life got me thinking about me. Forty-three years old. I feel like much of my life is a blur right now. What the heck happened. I'm certainly not an expert at anything. Family, marriage, weight loss, children, finances, gardening, photography, art, milk. I live, make mistakes, learn and try to do better the next time around.

I guess the nice thing about being the age that I am is that generally speaking I like who I am. It took til my mid 30’s to feel confident and good in my own skin. I'm far from perfect. I'd like to weigh a little less. I wish I'd have discovered by now that one thing I excel at. I'm not exactly embracing turning grey, but I'm not obsessed with concealing it. I don't always say the right thing or make the right decisions. Being human has it's weaknesses.

I'm glad my expiration date is not tattooed on my forehead. I’d rather not know at what given moment my life will end. God forbid someone might toss me away a little early just to be on the safe side. I’m hoping my expiration date is many years down the road and that I continue to enjoy life and the person whom I've become, as well the person I have yet to be.

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