I found myself reading this Dr. Seuss book at a time in my life when I was very unsure of the road ahead of me. I was sitting for my nephew, and found myself fighting tears as I turned the pages, reading aloud.
"Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!"
The book begins with a confident little man trudging forward. It didn't take long for me to identify with the character. He was me, but I had little confidence at the time. I was not sure where I was going, only that I could not stay (in the situation) where I was. The knowledge and power within me was mine alone, and only I could choose my path. Only I could make the decision to move on in my life. The words reached my core. I was scared to death.
There will be paths I choose not to take, but when I decide where to go and what to do, I should not be afraid of change. “And when things start to happen, don’t worry. Don’t stew. Just go right along. You’ll start happening too.”
The book went on to remind me that the path ahead will not always be easy. I will not always make the right decisions. I will find myself alone and down. The right choices will not always be clear. Go out or stay in? Turn left or right, or something in between? The book seemed to ask if I struggle with decisions more because I am afraid of what I might lose, or because I'm afraid what I might win.
I will sometimes race through life, just to miss what's important. I will postpone what I want to do because there is not time, yet waste time waiting on things that don't really matter. Waiting for a tomorrow that never comes. Waiting for Another Chance, when it's right in front of me.
“Somehow you’ll escape all that waiting and staying. You’ll find the bright places where Booom Bands are Playing.”
I shouldn't be waiting while life is passing me by. I need to go where the music is playing, which I believe is finding happiness. I need to search out my best life and realize my dreams.
Sometimes I'll be disappointed. I won't always make the right decisions, and I won't always win. Sometimes I'll be alone, but I shouldn't be afraid of those times. I'll get in my own way. There will be darkness and I will feel fear, but I have to remember the light will come again. Life is a Great Balancing Act and you just need to keep moving.
Everyone has a chance to have a great life...to move mountains...and my mountain is waiting for me.
“Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way!”
I still read the book and get absorbed in it’s meaning. It's a book written for children, or is it? I just read the inside cover, and Dr. Seuss wrote it for anyone of any age who was at a turning point. That is just where I was the first time I read it. If you have not read the book I would encourage you to pick it up.
Time to get on my way!!
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