I've actually had this title for a blog in mind for quite some time. I just couldn't decide what to do with it. Recently I saw the play "The Wizard of Oz" and it brought back memories of the movie that I have not seen for many years. I always loved the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Lion. They all feel they are lacking something that will give them worth, when all along that something is within them.
It reminded me that outward appearances are never exactly what they seem. Like I needed a reminder. There are those that are beautiful that dwell on small flaws. Those who are intelligent but fear making the smallest blunder. Those that seem confident that feel somehow inadequate. Those who have light within them to share but keep their heads down, uncomfortable with that awkward moment of meeting another's gaze. Those who are thin that look in the mirror and see themselves overweight. Those who are artistic that fear picking up a brush because they might not create a masterpiece. Those that have meaningful things to say but do not speak up for fear of being criticized. Those who have so much to give but don't realize the value of the gifts that they hold.
"There's no place like home...."
Home is within me. Home is how I see myself, what I dream, who I love, how I live, what I believe. Home is my faith. Home is how I find peace and joy. Home is what I keep and what I give away. Home is my my place in this world. Home is what makes me both individual and beautiful. Home is the mark I leave behind...the difference I choose to make. Home is who loves me. Home is not what I hold in my hand, but what I hold in my heart. Home is the valuable part of me that no one can take away.
Home is everything.
Home is happiness. Home is belonging. Home is that place within you that you always want to return. Yes....There's no place like home....
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